Daily Inspiration Archive
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Thursday 07/27/2017 Once the destination is clear, a wise person selects the route most consistent with their goal and then follows it. Commitment to one’s chosen spiritual path is essential. Trying to follow several paths, even though they are compatible, dissipates energy and leads to confusion. With unwavering dedication, firm resolve, and faith, press on. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Friday 07/28/2017 Practice letting go on all levels. Release possessions that are no longer needed, let go of habits that no longer serve your highest good, and relinquish thoughts that are not consistent with your highest good. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Saturday 07/29/2017 Make friends with happiness, pursue it, claim it, abide in it. Let it be a doorway to the greatest freedom this life can bring. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Sunday 07/30/2017 We can ask ourselves: what would it be like to let go of wanting? To let go of making our happiness depend on something? What would it be like to allow ourselves to simply be happy? To be free? Ellen Grace O'Brian
Monday 07/31/2017 We cannot capture true happiness just for ourselves alone. True happiness naturally affects others, influences relationships, and brings us right into the heart of planetary evolution! Ellen Grace O'Brian
Tuesday 08/01/2017 Our imagination is the gift of soul that allows us to soar beyond the confines of circumstances. With the power of imagination, we can lift our lives to be the unburdened, unfettered, unlimited divine expressions they are intended to be. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Wednesday 08/02/2017 We hold the key to our success; no one else can do it for us nor take it from us. What we intend, commit ourselves to, and follow through with, becomes our harvest. Ellen Grace O'Brian