Daily Inspiration Archive
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Thursday 07/20/2017 Children are encouraged to build a healthy ego by learning to discover and express what they like and do not like, what they want and do not want. The mature adult on the spiritual path must put away this childhood task and learn to focus on being even-minded, on going beyond likes and dislikes. Then, peace is possible. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Friday 07/21/2017 Fasting for a time, but all the while thinking of the forbidden feast at the end, is throwing food to desire. It grows stronger as it waits. The discipline of true fasting is a feast for the soul, with the heart and mind immersed in God. Only then is craving for what is not useful rendered powerless. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Saturday 07/22/2017 Wisdom and devotion travel different paths but meet in the house of service. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Sunday 07/23/2017 Let my failures and my successes be measured only by how near I have drawn to Thee, and how well I have served Thee in all. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Monday 07/24/2017 Why cling to the tiny shred of self when your infinite divine inheritance awaits your acceptance? Ellen Grace O'Brian
Tuesday 07/25/2017 “I have loved you with an everlasting love” --See yourself and others through the eyes of God’s unconditional love. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Wednesday 07/26/2017 Begin today to grant others one tenth of the forgiveness God has granted you. Everyone is growing in God. Ellen Grace O'Brian