Daily Inspiration Archive
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Thursday 08/03/2017 When our goal is to expand our consciousness—become more spiritually aware, more compassionate, and wise—our way of evaluating circumstances changes. We look beyond what we are doing and what we are attaining, and consider what we are becoming in the process. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Friday 08/04/2017 The most illuminating answer to the question, “what is the best meditation practice?” is “steady practice.” Ellen Grace O'Brian
Saturday 08/05/2017 Open the windows of your mind to divine possibility. Embrace it; be it; live from it. Imagine. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Sunday 08/06/2017 Decide to consider yourself successful right now, then build on that each day. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Monday 08/07/2017 Our life is meant to be lived from the inside out—drawing upon the soul’s divine qualities and bringing them forth. Guided by the soul’s wisdom, live in a way that brings joy to your heart and peace to others. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Tuesday 08/08/2017 No appearance is ever the “last word.” The last word is always Truth. The Truth that real security rests in the divine Self. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Wednesday 08/09/2017 Do not be distracted by conditions. Remember that every situation is temporary, subject to change. Learn to see through it all, and rely on the Source beyond the appearance. Ellen Grace O'Brian