Daily Inspiration Archive
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Friday 05/27/2022 Notice Life’s grace and beauty. Peace will fill your heart and mind. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Saturday 05/28/2022 There are no mundane days for those whose hearts are on fire to realize God. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Sunday 05/29/2022 Devotion softens the heart and brings sweetness to meditation. Rote technique without devotion is like a dry creek bed. The banks are there, but the flow of water is missing. Cultivate devotion, and the subtle flow of divine energy will bring new life to your meditation. Like grasses after the spring rain, freshness will arise. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Monday 05/30/2022 Meditation is a radical form of Self-acceptance; it arranges our meeting with the true Self—the most important meeting we can have. Don’t miss it. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Tuesday 05/31/2022 Amid every sorrow is the persistent rising sun of truth, illuminating every situation with the light of “I am That.” Beyond any circumstance, deeper than any pain or sorrow, the blessed Self shines through proclaiming “arise, awake.” Ellen Grace O'Brian
Wednesday 06/01/2022 The power of imagination can elevate the mind, help us touch the holy, and live in awe and wonder. Use the power of imagination for good. Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian
Thursday 06/02/2022 When we live with faith in a vision, we are inspired toward actions that support it. We become aware of opportunities that otherwise may go unnoticed. Ellen Grace O'Brian