Daily Inspiration Archive
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Friday 06/03/2022 Each day, the door to spiritual fulfillment opens. Life continually presents us with opportunities to be awake, love, and serve. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Saturday 06/04/2022 When we look beyond our personal needs and wants and commit ourselves to serve Life, Life itself leads and supports us. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Sunday 06/05/2022 The prayer to be God’s instrument is not a passive prayer. It requires our willingness to speak the word, sing the song, mend the relationship, and do the work that is inspired. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Monday 06/06/2022 We are here to awaken to the truth that Life is one. This is Self-realization. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Tuesday 06/07/2022 Supreme Consciousness is one existence, expressing as all that is. Supreme Consciousness supports everyone. No one is separate. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Wednesday 06/08/2022 “Other than Self” is a temporary illusion created by the ego to interact with the world as “other.” Believing in the illusion that we are separate is the primary cause of suffering. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Thursday 06/09/2022 When we identify with the ego, we see Life through the lenses of “I, me, and mine.” We divide up what is whole and lose our connection to Life’s supportive influence. We regain it by realizing the unity of all Life. Ellen Grace O'Brian