Event Information
SUNDAY SATSANG Service with Yogacharya O'Brian Location: Temple

"Your Extraordinary Life"
Musician: Swami Nirvananda
Sunday, Semptember 10, 2017, 10 am

Begin by exploring your dharmic life - its ultimate purpose and profound potential. Find encouragement to answer the innate call to bring forth what is with you.

Spend all, or part of, your Sunday with Yogacharya who will teach the supreme science of Brahmavidya—the universal way of awakening to Self- and God-realization—the most essential, and relevant, teaching for spiritually conscious living today.

Everyone is welcome.

10:00 am
Morning Program: Meditation and Inspiration
(Temple of the Eternal Way / also available online)

11:30 am
Tea and Divine Company Informal Gathering
(Wisdom Yoga Room)

12:30 pm
Afternoon Program: Lunch, Spiritual Teachings & Practice, Q & A
(Grace Meditation Hall)*

*Preregistration required for Afternoon Program. Registration fee $20 per Sunday includes lunch (served in the community room).