Event Information
Sivananda Vedic Knowledge Forum Location: Sivananda Yoga Farm, Grass Valley, CA

Stress Relief through Vedic Knowledge and Creativity
with Yogacharya O’Brian and other featured teachers

Vedic Knowledge Forum

Sivananda Yoga Farm
Swami Sitaramananda
September 3 – 7, 2015

People may doubt that finding God is the purpose of life; but everyone can accept the idea that the purpose of life is to find happiness. I say that God is Happiness. God is Joy that will never go away from your soul. So why shouldn’t you try to acquire that Happiness? No one else can give it to you. You must continuously cultivate it yourself.

—Paramahansa Yogananda

Friday Evening Satsang
September 4, 8:30 – 9:45 pm
Title: Soul Culture: The Art and Science of Self- and God-Realization

A look into the heart of yoga as a path of spiritually awakened living that facilitates transformation and the fulfillment of our divine destiny.

Saturday Morning Workshop
September 5, 8 – 10 am
Title: Go Straight to the Goal: Yoga’s Ten Commitments

Experience Raja Yoga’s yamas and niyamas as a foundation for skillful living, fulfillment of soul destiny, and ultimate liberation. Yogacharya O’Brian will draw from Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra to explore the principles, practices, and promises of the restraints and observances. 

Click here for cost and registration information.