Event Information
SUNDAY SATSANG: In Community with Yogacharya O'Brian Location: CSE Temple of the Eternal Way


September 8 / October 13 / November 10 / December 8, 2019

10:00 AM  Chanting, Meditation & Inspiration
12:00 PM  Lunch
  1:00 PM  Teachings & Practice

All Programs and Lunch Offered on a Donation Basis

Pre-registration requested for lunch and afternoon participation.    
Click on a date below to register for the entire series or a single Sunday.

10 AM
(chanting begins at 9:45 AM)

Living the Eternal Way

Imagine the freedom of living a spiritually awakened life—able to perceive and spontaneously respond to the promptings of inner guidance. No confusion or doubt, just clarity. An awakened heart, an illumined mind, free from attachment or aversion, open to the graces of the present moment. Imagine!

Our little minds are part of the omnipotent mind of God. Beneath the wave of our consciousness is the infinite ocean of His consciousness. It is because the wave forgets it is a part of the Ocean that it becomes isolated from that oceanic power. As a result, our minds have become weakened by our trials and material limitations. The mind has stopped its work. You’ll be surprised how much it can do if you cast off the limitations you have put on it. –Paramahansa Yogananda

Part One: 9/8  Remember Who You Are and Cast Off Those Limitations!
Part Two:  10/13 Cultivate Clarity and Spiritual Strength
Part Three:  11/10 Let Your Mind Sink into Your Heart
Part Four:  12/08 Be Open to the Graces of the Present Moment              

1 PM
(chanting begins at 12:45 PM)
Registration requested

Prepare to meet the week ahead with wisdom and compassion.
Live each day with higher purpose and clear intention.
Let love lead the way.

Fall Sunday afternoon satsangs with Yogacharya will draw inspiration from the Bhagavad Gita, the timeless, universally relevant guide for awakened living. Study and practice begins September 8 with a focus on Chapter Six: The Yoga of Meditation. Gain new insights and skills for your practice. Be inspired to start, or expand, a daily meditation practice—the key to spiritual transformation.