Event Information
Yoga to Awaken the Light Within (Weds) Location: Yoga Room

Gentle Yoga to Awaken the Light Within
Instructor: Daniel Miguel Duarte

Eleven Wednesdays, June 8—August 17, 5:30-6:45 pm
$13 prepaid online, $15 at door
(Students with ID and Seniors over 65: $10 - pay at the door)

The whole purpose of true exercise is to awaken the inner source of energy.
—Paramahansa Yogananda
Learn and practice a gentle hatha yoga routine that is specifically sequenced to support super-conscious meditation practice. Each gathering includes basic instruction, inspiration, and practice of yoga & meditation. Discover the life-enhancing benefits of regular practice. Beginning and experienced practitioners are welcome.
Daniel Miguel Duarte has been practicing hatha yoga since 2012 and is currently completing CSE’s yoga teacher training program. He is a Yoga Studies student in Meru Institute, coordinator of the CSE Young Adult Spiritual Alliance, and a student at West Valley College. His classes support students of all levels to still the body and quiet the mind.