Daily Inspiration Archive
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Monday 04/23/2018 Those who practice meditation soon learn that silence is something much greater than not speaking words or the absence of sound. Once our awareness moves beyond the spoken word and then beyond the subtle inner “noise” of sensation, thought, and feeling, it comes to rest in the center of our being. It is there that we discover true silence. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Tuesday 04/24/2018 Silence is empty of word, sound, or image but full of presence. It emanates from the existence of God within us. Deep silence, beyond words and thoughts, ushers us into the experience of oneness. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Wednesday 04/25/2018 Include the physical body in your spiritual practice today—whether it is hatha yoga, tai chi, Qigong, massage, or simply going for a mindful walk in nature. Feel the energy of your body and know it is alive with Spirit. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Thursday 04/26/2018 Regardless of what is occurring outwardly, the inner journey of Self- and God-realization is unfolding. When we recognize this, we can stay attuned to divine guidance. The outer and inner journeys become one. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Friday 04/27/2018 Practice flexing your “inspiration muscles” by acting on insights that you recognize are in harmony with the highest good. Don’t let the opportunity for a blessing pass you by. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Saturday 04/28/2018 Keep turning your attention to the One. Let everything remind you of God’s presence—nature, music, people, animals, cell phones—anything and everything. Remember it is all God. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Sunday 04/29/2018 Fill your life with God by feeling that everything is coming to you from God, and you are doing everything for, and in, God. When you relate to other people, relate to God in them—soul to soul. In this way, our lives become filled with God. Ellen Grace O'Brian