Daily Inspiration Archive
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Thursday 03/01/2018 Until the heart is satisfied, we want more and more. What satisfies the heart? Realization of the divine Self. Only That. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Friday 03/02/2018 Knowledge is not Reality. It may be a doorway to ultimate Truth but only if we go through it and leave it behind. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Saturday 03/03/2018 There is no secret to success. Simply go forward with awareness. Our path is unknown and unseen, until we walk it. Only our steps forward reveal it. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Sunday 03/04/2018 Do not be your own oppressor. Be your own liberator. Move toward freedom and embrace joy. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Monday 03/05/2018 Balance is the key that unlocks the gate to freedom. Through balanced living, become the key; slip through the lock, thin as a blade, vast as the meadow in bloom. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Tuesday 03/06/2018 Do what is truly worthwhile. Why chain yourself to insignificant tasks and carry them around with you, the pull of them holding you back? The chains that feel so heavy are the weight of habit. It is a paper chain made by a child—cut it! Ellen Grace O'Brian
Wednesday 03/07/2018 The key to right relationship with everyone is Oneness—the conscious realization that there is only One. There is only one life and that life is God in expression. God knows all the cards you are holding. Ellen Grace O'Brian