Daily Inspiration Archive
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Thursday 03/08/2018 Lift your inner gaze beyond apparent conditions to what you can imagine is possible. See with the eyes of faith and remember that with God—with conscious awareness of the higher true Self—all things are possible. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Friday 03/09/2018 How can we move from injury to forgiveness? From sadness to joy? From being hurt to being healed? It is like an abyss. Standing on one side looking over at the other, we think we cannot possibly make it across. Only when we take the leap do we discover that we can. That abyss is surrender. The jump is letting go of self-will. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Saturday 03/10/2018 Every day we build the temple of our lives—thought by thought, word by word, deed by deed. Worship God in the temple of your life. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Sunday 03/11/2018 Stay open to divine grace. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Monday 03/12/2018 Offer love in all you do. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Tuesday 03/13/2018 Do what pleases your soul. Then self-discipline becomes a holy offering—sacrificing a lower drive for a higher one. Choose what is consistent with the truth of your being, and don’t settle for less. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Wednesday 03/14/2018 Let us have the grace-filled courage to affirm, even in the face of what we cannot understand, that nothing ever separates us from our good. Nothing. Ellen Grace O'Brian