Daily Inspiration Archive
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Saturday 09/22/2018 Be steadfast in meditation practice. When occasional circumstances interfere, don’t let a pause become a stop. Just return to meditation as soon as possible. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Sunday 09/23/2018 Stay tuned to your priorities and arrange conditions to live in the highest way. Avoid wasting time or energy. Consider your higher purpose and see each day as an opportunity to live it. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Monday 09/24/2018 When we begin to live a conscious life, surrendered to our Higher Power, perfection is the natural expression of grace-filled living. We live perfectly in God, mistakes and all. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Tuesday 09/25/2018 Our purpose in life is not what we do; it is how we do it. It is what we bring forth, what we express as we do what is ours to do. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Wednesday 09/26/2018 Our visioning power is a doorway to possibility. That opening of possibility is where God’s grace can enter. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Thursday 09/27/2018 Be intentional about spiritual practice--approach it with dedication and focus--yet without attachment to results. The best way to do that is to see our practice as our offering, our willingness to be instruments of the divine in the world. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Friday 09/28/2018 Our vision is a space for grace. To invite a greater experience of grace, we must enlarge our vision. Ellen Grace O'Brian