Daily Inspiration Archive
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Sunday 03/17/2019 The ability to listen is more valuable than the ability to speak. Consider that God is speaking to you today. Listen carefully. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Monday 03/18/2019 Each day at dawn and at dusk your divine Beloved opens the door of peace and invites you in. Don’t miss the opportunity! Ellen Grace O'Brian
Tuesday 03/19/2019 Without self-discipline there is no freedom. Our daily investment in self-discipline is our investment in freedom. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Wednesday 03/20/2019 Turn toward truth and open yourself to divine possibility. This moment is a new beginning. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Thursday 03/21/2019 Like a well-tended field, a life of happiness grows from the careful work of contentment. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Friday 03/22/2019 If you want to please God, please your Self. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Saturday 03/23/2019 Don’t get so distracted by the characters in the divine play of life that you forget the presence of the Director. Enjoy the play and all its characters. Ellen Grace O'Brian