Daily Inspiration Archive
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Wednesday 05/01/2019 We have the power to command the wind of worry: Peace, be still! Ellen Grace O'Brian
Thursday 05/02/2019 The happiness you have been seeking all your life is at hand. Take the next step on your soul journey by embracing it and be happy now. Why wait? Ellen Grace O'Brian
Friday 05/03/2019 What we do, how we engage fully in life, is the pathway for our prosperity to be realized. Although we are inherently prosperous, prosperity is not a static state. It is a divine destiny, waiting for us to step forth into it. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Saturday 05/04/2019 When the mind becomes still, inner wisdom opens and is revealed. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Sunday 05/05/2019 Our life purpose is being who we are in fullness. It is not a job or a project — it’s the art of living as a divine being. What we do is simply a vehicle for that divine potential to express and serve. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Monday 05/06/2019 Embracing our divine destiny does not culminate in taking our seat in the comfort zone in the game of life. It’s not a place we arrive and sit back. Inaction is not the way. The way is skill in action. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Tuesday 05/07/2019 The key to true fulfillment in life is to know we are already full, whole, and complete. Then, whatever we choose to do, have, or be is an expression of that innate fullness. Ellen Grace O'Brian