Daily Inspiration Archive
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Wednesday 05/08/2019 Always carry the jewel of abundance — awareness of your soul riches — with you. If you catch yourself thinking you need someone else’s approval or wanting something in order to “improve” — come back to your divine Self. Say to yourself: I am full. I am whole. I am totality. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Thursday 05/09/2019 Meditation is shifting our attention and identification from the wave-like activity of the mind to the oceanic stillness of the Self. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Friday 05/10/2019 Let your prayer and meditation practice be an opportunity to sit in “the grace-bestowing presence.” Allow your heart and mind to be filled with the renewing peace and bliss of divine Consciousness. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Saturday 05/11/2019 Everything improves when we become more spiritually aware. Instead of blindly speeding through life with the velocity of self-centered motivation, the wisdom light of Oneness illumines the way forward. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Sunday 05/12/2019 Inwardly walk through the temple door of God’s omnipresence and experience yourself praying “in” God rather than “to” God. Know that Ultimate Reality is nearer than your heartbeat; indeed, it’s the essence of your being. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Monday 05/13/2019 Make a commitment to meditate every day — to meet your divine Self in the inner sanctum of surrendered devotion. Vow that you will not miss a day no matter what, and you won’t. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Tuesday 05/14/2019 The small self will suggest, “Tomorrow, you can meditate tomorrow.” Today is always the day to realize our potential. Always today, never tomorrow. Always now. Ellen Grace O'Brian