Daily Inspiration Archive
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Monday 08/19/2019 Honor your soul life each day by entering the temple of silence in prayer and meditation. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Tuesday 08/20/2019 Our thoughts and intentions are powerful; let us direct them toward our highest aspirations. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Wednesday 08/21/2019 Set your heart on Truth. In the silence of your soul, commune with Spirit and know abundant peace, love, and complete well-being. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Thursday 08/22/2019 The measure of our prosperity is not what we have, but what we are able to give. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Friday 08/23/2019 There is a great universal good now unfolding, and you are a part of it. Everyone is. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Saturday 08/24/2019 Cultivate a grateful heart, and your mind will become receptive to divine inspiration and the provision of grace. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Sunday 08/25/2019 Changes in life are precious opportunities to know that Spirit has greater things in store for us. Ellen Grace O'Brian