Daily Inspiration Archive
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Sunday 01/06/2019 Spiritual awareness gives us the great gift of the pause—a conscious moment where we can observe what is arising, inquire into it, and then choose an appropriate response. This is freedom. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Monday 01/07/2019 We don’t stop the mind in meditation. Instead, our awareness expands beyond the mind, into the infinite field of superconsciousness. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Tuesday 01/08/2019 Daily meditation builds an inner fire of spiritual energy that grows stronger as it is tended. This inner fire burns away the dross of laziness, restlessness, and confusion. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Wednesday 01/09/2019 Intuition is soul-knowing that is directly perceived. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Thursday 01/10/2019 Stand guard at the door of your mind. Cultivate thoughts and beliefs that are consistent with the truth of your being, thoughts that will contribute to your well-being and that of others. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Friday 01/11/2019 When daily meditation and conscious activity work together in our lives, the line that separates them grows thin. Our life becomes our meditation. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Saturday 01/12/2019 Fault-finding can be a habit, but so can approaching life with gratitude. We need only intend to be grateful and then train ourselves to look for the good. Soon, we notice more to be thankful for. Ellen Grace O'Brian