Daily Inspiration Archive
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Friday 10/18/2019 Everyone walks on the spiritual path; there is no other. The path is reciprocity. When we discover that, the journey of awakening begins. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Saturday 10/19/2019 Worldly happiness is never without the shadow called want. When we begin to notice the presence of endless wanting and seek freedom from it, the possibility of true happiness begins. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Sunday 10/20/2019 Anytime we engage in spiritual practice, it is a manifestation of God’s grace. Consider this: what brings you to prayer, meditation or moments of gratitude? Only God. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Monday 10/21/2019 The belief “I need this or that to bring me happiness or security” affirms lack. Realize your wholeness now. Then watch what is added unto you from your abundance consciousness. Watch. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Tuesday 10/22/2019 When we are conflicted, our energy is dissipated by doubt. We can push a shopping cart forward that has a wheel out of alignment, but it takes more energy. When our heart, soul, mind, and action are aligned, abundant energy is released. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Wednesday 10/23/2019 Physical actions, creative use of our imagination, and setting intentions are the manifesting tools of the physical, mental, and subtle aspects of our being. One who focuses solely on the physical plane works harder, without the benefit of the power tools of the subtle realms and understanding the laws of cause and effect. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Thursday 10/24/2019 Being fully present in the moment dismantles worry. It is not possible to be fully present to what is now and worry at the same time. Notice. Ellen Grace O'Brian