Daily Inspiration Archive
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Sunday 01/20/2019 Each of us must have a point of divine reference to walk in faith, to not sink down under the heavy burdens of the world’s sorrows. See them for what they are, boisterous storms that howl one day and clear the next. With God as our constant companion, we can walk in confidence through the wildest storms of all. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Monday 01/21/2019 Look beyond changing conditions to the unchanging heart of Reality. Within you is the help that never fails. Within you is the strength that will allow you to walk in confidence. Take one step at a time, knowing that the next step will be divinely directed. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Tuesday 01/22/2019 The sense of urgency coming from the ego says it must be “my way” and it must be now. The wisdom of the soul, even when prompting to take immediate action, rarely has that tinge of urgency that is characteristic of self-will. Question urgency. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Wednesday 01/23/2019 One step taken in the direction of a worthy goal will naturally lead to another. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Thursday 01/24/2019 When the mind is overcome with restlessness, it is common to think that we do not have enough time to meditate. From the perspective of the restless mind, this seems true. This thought is a sure sign that we have become too involved in outer activity. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Friday 01/25/2019 Decide to notice and inwardly affirm what you find praiseworthy. In the moment of noticing, the light of conscious awareness is always present. Be grateful for that. How wonderful it is to be aware! Ellen Grace O'Brian
Saturday 01/26/2019 Start the day with an affirmative thought. Live the day with confidence in the Infinite. Conclude the day with thoughts of the blessings you experienced. Ellen Grace O'Brian