Daily Inspiration Archive
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Monday 07/12/2021 When we truly open our hearts to God, a burden of sorrow is lifted from the soul. That sorrow is the felt sense of our yearning to abide consciously in our essential nature. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Tuesday 07/13/2021 Dwell in gratitude, and your mind will be calm, your heart will open, and joy will overflow. Let “thank you” be your mantra today. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Wednesday 07/14/2021 If we want God to direct our lives, then we must open ourselves to divine guidance through prayer, meditation, and surrender of self-will. This is how we step into cooperation with Spirit. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Thursday 07/15/2021 Turn your thoughts to God and intend to live in harmony with divine love, the law of your being. Then simply be present. Love will guide you. Love knows the way to Love. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Friday 07/16/2021 Right action flows from a pure heart. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Saturday 07/17/2021 Live in harmony with the inherent order of things. Conscience is the guide. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Sunday 07/18/2021 What is the mysterious force that compels us to act against our own will? It is only the force of habit patterns—the influence of mental impressions based on past experience. Clear those impressions from the mental field by superconscious meditation; then right action arises spontaneously. Ellen Grace O'Brian