Daily Inspiration Archive
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Friday 04/09/2021 To hear the still small voice within, let your mind sink into the heart of remembrance. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Saturday 04/10/2021 Words reveal volition—the choice point of how and what we will create in our lives. Mindful speech is a key to mastery. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Sunday 04/11/2021 True peace is a quality of our divine nature; it is vast enough to contain conflict and transform it. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Monday 04/12/2021 Control of speech harnesses soul power. Like the small rudder that turns a ship, truthful speech can turn our life around. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Tuesday 04/13/2021 Ego, the false self, has given itself the job of improving the world and most everyone in it. Outwit ego through appreciating others and loving the world as it is. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Wednesday 04/14/2021 Love accepts the sacredness of life, embraces it, serves it, and learns to cooperate with it. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Thursday 04/15/2021 What we put our attention on will grow. Notice where you are investing your precious attention. Ellen Grace O'Brian