Daily Inspiration Archive
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Saturday 04/08/2017 Regardless of any harmful deeds we may have done, the true Self remains unstained. The painful consequences of our errors may serve to break our heart open and allow the true Self to shine the light of compassion into our life. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Sunday 04/09/2017 It is human nature to love certain parts of our life and to reject others. But this may cause us to miss the blessings that hide behind distressing disguises. Accepting ourselves, as we are, brings healing. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Monday 04/10/2017 With spiritual vision, we open ourselves to the realization of universal goodness. We can see that everything works together for the fulfillment of divine purpose and our highest happiness. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Tuesday 04/11/2017 In a heart made whole by surrender, the dark night of grief heralds the dawn of new life. Accepting life as it is opens the door to experiencing the unconditional joy of the soul. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Wednesday 04/12/2017 The mind is magnetized by what it loves. When what we love is God, our life reflects God’s presence. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Thursday 04/13/2017 Three rules to live by: Live one day at a time. Do one thing at a time. Trust God all the time. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Friday 04/14/2017 To experience the real solution to a problem, enter the temple of spiritual Truth beyond words and thoughts. Sit in the silence, receptive to your soul’s inspiration. It will come. Ellen Grace O'Brian