Daily Inspiration Archive
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Saturday 04/01/2017 Life itself is the spiritual path that everyone is traveling, whether they realize it or not. Greet all as fellow travelers. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Sunday 04/02/2017 As soon as we begin making a spiritual effort, grace comes to meet us to support our endeavors and propel us forward on the path. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Monday 04/03/2017 The primary discipline of the spiritual life is to let ourselves be drawn by the soul’s natural love for what is life-giving. In other words, we are to fall in love with our life. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Tuesday 04/04/2017 The distracted mind that has been seduced by worldly mirages can be consciously redirected within to drink of the inner, living waters of the soul. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Wednesday 04/05/2017 There is truly only One with whom we relate—one Consciousness operating behind Its many disguises. Don’t be fooled. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Thursday 04/06/2017 When the mind turns to thoughts of God during activity, we may see something that we have missed before. Behold a shimmering beauty! A vibrant presence transforms the dull grays of a mundane existence into the colors of joy. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Friday 04/07/2017 For some people, devotion means love for God. For others it is devotion to Truth. In either case, the commitment of devotion draws the response of revelation. Ellen Grace O'Brian