Daily Inspiration Archive
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Tuesday 12/05/2017 When you meditate and visit the ocean of divine bliss, don’t just stand upon the shore. Dive in. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Wednesday 12/06/2017 Breath, time, food, vital force, and money—all are expressions of our life force. To live well, pay attention to how you use these five forms of energy. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Thursday 12/07/2017 Spend time in nature today. Let its vitality and beauty nourish your body and mind. Recognize God in all you observe. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Friday 12/08/2017 An illumined mind can discern that either nothing belongs to us, or everything does. Both “some” and “me” are illusions in the light of oneness. Free yourself from the desire to acquire more and more. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Saturday 12/09/2017 Contemplation of Om, the primordial sound emanating from the field of God, purifies the mind. Absorbing our attention in this inner sound during meditation brings mastery of senses and mental clarity. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Sunday 12/10/2017 All of life is about letting go. Letting go is necessary to expand into the true Self, a greater reality. Notice how many times today you let go. Celebrate it; connect it with expansion. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Monday 12/11/2017 Grief is a doorway to Love. When it is encountered, embraced, and released consciously, it leads to the experience of the all-pervading presence of the One. Ellen Grace O'Brian