Event Information
ONLINE Special Satsang with Isha Das Location: Online

Special Satsang with Isha Das
"The Light of Hope"
Sunday, August 30, 2020 / 10 AM - 11 AM

In challenging times we are sustained by the light of hope shining within our own souls; and we are empowered by that same light to create a future overflowing with truth, beauty and goodness.

View online at https://www.csecenter.org/Sunday-Services/Webcast-new

Isha Das (Craig Bullock) is the Spiritual Director at The Assisi Institute in Rochester, NY. He is an accomplished teacher, writer, lecturer, and psychotherapist. A former Pastoral Administrator at the Church of Saints Peter and Paul in Rochester, Isha Das earned graduate degrees in Religious Studies from the University of Notre Dame and in Clinical Psychology from the University of Duquesne. His education includes extensive study in psychology, spirituality, mysticism, world religions, and yoga. Isha Das was ordained as a Kriya Yoga teacher by Roy Eugene Davis, a direct disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda. His latest book is Open Wider The Door: The Integration of Kriya Yoga And Mystical Christianity.

In 2016, Swami Nirvanananda gave Craig Bullock his spiritual name, Isha Das, meaning, "servant of Christ." Swami Nirvanananda chose this name to capture the essence of Isha Das' mission, which is to present the teachings of Jesus in a fresh spirit and to show the underlying unity between the teachings of Jesus Christ and Paramahansa Yogananda.