Event Information
Light on the Path: Exploring the Way of Discipleship with Rev. Sundari Jensen Location: Grace Meditation Hall

Light on the Path: Exploring the Way of Discipleship

Rev. Sundari Jensen

Two Tuesdays, April 26 and May 3 • 6-8:30 pm

What is discipleship? How does it arise? What does it offer? And what does it require?

There comes a time on our spiritual journey when we are ready to dedicate ourselves to our chosen path, when we long to fully embrace the awakened life of Self- and God-realization. This is an auspicious time when the yearning for liberation becomes our predominant urge and focus. We are ready for discipleship. These classes are an exploration of the universal nature of discipleship and an introduction to its role for students of Kriya Yoga philosophy and practice.

Open to all, everyone welcome. Registration requested. Free will offering.

Rev. Sundari Jensen met her Guru, Yogacharya Ellen Grace O’Brian in March of 1992 and has been studying, practicing, and serving with her since. She serves as a Senior Kriya Yoga Teacher and Associate Minister at the Center for Spiritual Enlightenment (CSE). She leads the Core Teachings Team which is responsible for all classes and retreats related to yoga and meditation. As Provost for Meru, she oversees the training and preparation of teachers and leaders. Sundari leads the Editorial Team for CSE’s quarterly magazine, the Enlightenment Journal. She leads the Center’s Global Media and Marketing Team that is responsible for all books, audio/video production, artwork, websites, digital and print media. Sundari also serves as assistant to Yogacharya.