Event Information
Light at the Edge of the Forest Location: Temple of the Eternal Way

Light at the Edge of the Forest: A Yogic View on Aging
with Yogacharya Ellen Grace O’Brian
Filmed on October 16, 2 – 4 pm
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Fee: $35 available online.

Yoga philosophy and practice lights the path for healthy, vital, and purposeful living at every stage of life. Our later years are especially important, not only as the culmination of a life well lived, but specifically for the greater development and expression of wisdom, soul powers, and love. Becoming an elder in the Vedic system corresponds with what is called the vanaprastha, or forest dweller stage of life in which one moves from the time of family and career responsibilities toward a stronger focus on spiritual development. The five great obstacles to spiritual realization—ignorance, egoism, attachment, aversion, and clinging to life—take on a new significance at this stage of life. Depending on how we understand the purpose of life and our ability to deal with those obstacles, the process of aging can be our enemy or our ally. As an ally, aging brings precious gifts of grace that await our recognition.

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