Event Information
Breath of the One: Meditation and the Breath w/ Rev. Sodt Location: Grace meditation hall

The Breath of the One: Meditation and the Breath
with Rev. Devin K. Sodt
July 17, 2016 at 1:00 – 2:30 pm
Free Will Offering

One of the first things that happens upon entering this world is a breath. Often this simple yet profound act is overlooked by preoccupation with the happenings in life. This meditation workshop will offer simple and supportive practices to deepen the connection to the vital energy found within the breath for meditation and spiritually conscious living. Fill each moment with the fullness of One as your essential nature through respiration — re- again spiration- being with spirit.

Rev. Devin Sodt is Spiritual Director of Awakening Interfaith Spiritual Community in Morro Bay and a graduate of Meru Institute.