Event Information
A Day of Selfless Service to the One! Location: Meditation Gardens

Saturday, June 24, 2017
9am to 1pm
Please pre-register

O Divine Spirit, may we always remember that we are Your hands of service. We are Your body with thousands of arms to cradle the children of the world. We are Love.
-Yogacharya O’Brian

Please join us on Seva Day, Saturday June 24, 9am to 1pm to be part of a community that makes a difference in the world. Bring your hands and heart to clean, repair, and garden the beautiful meditation buildings and gardens that is our spiritual home. This day will begin at 9am in the temple with meditation and teaching on selfless service. Then we will follow team leaders to serve in cleaning, repairing, organizing and gardening.
We will conclude our service at 12pm with a prayer for the gift of the day and the food we will share together. Stay for lunch!
Please preregister so we know how many will stay for lunch.