Daily Inspiration Archive
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Friday 04/15/2022 The universe responds to the creative activity of the mind. That is why it is important to use that faculty consciously to envision the highest good. Using our vision power for good keeps the mind out of the ditch of despair. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Saturday 04/16/2022 Cultivate the inspiration and anticipation that your life is a divine unfoldment. Know that greater good, beyond your current knowledge, is right now coming your way. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Sunday 04/17/2022 One of the most persistent obstacles we encounter to our happiness, peace, and well-being is our tendency to argue with the way things are. Acceptance brings freedom and unleashes our power. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Monday 04/18/2022 With spiritual awakening, ego recedes to the background and becomes a service vehicle for the divine Self instead of a tyrannical driver. When our viewpoint shifts from ego dominance to soul awareness, we are ready to cooperate with the Infinite. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Tuesday 04/19/2022 Once we remove the idea that our meditation practice is our exercise in becoming enlightened, the pressure to accomplish results is removed. Then we are free to meditate simply for the joy of it. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Wednesday 04/20/2022 As emanations of God, all the qualities of God are within us. Yet, these qualities exist only as potential. Those divine potentials are realized as we live with higher purpose and bring forth what is within us. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Thursday 04/21/2022 Vision is different from fantasy or daydreaming. It is capturing the code of our soul life, connecting to the possibility for good that awaits our willingness to bring it forth. No compromise. No nonsense. No more detours or delays. Ellen Grace O'Brian