Daily Inspiration Archive
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Monday 10/29/2018 Devotion softens the heart and brings sweetness to meditation. Rote technique without devotion is like a dry creek bed. The banks are there, but the flow of water is missing. Cultivate devotion, and the subtle flow of divine energy will bring new life to your meditation. Like grasses after the spring rain, a new freshness will arise. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Tuesday 10/30/2018 Meditation is a radical form of Self-acceptance; it arranges our meeting with the true Self—the most important meeting we can have. Don’t miss it. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Wednesday 10/31/2018 Amid every sorrow is the persistent rising sun of truth, illuminating every situation with the light of “I am That.” Beyond any circumstance, deeper than any pain or sorrow, the blessed Self shines through proclaiming “arise, awake.” Ellen Grace O'Brian
Thursday 11/01/2018 Understanding the reciprocal relationship between individual mind and cosmic mind opens the door to prosperity. Our thoughts and imagination are the keys. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Friday 11/02/2018 Abide in the awareness of the presence of God as the all-pervading, ever-conscious, ever-new joy that draws all goodness to you and attracts the circumstances and resources necessary to fulfill your worthy goals. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Saturday 11/03/2018 We are the meeting place of heaven and earth through our ability to be receptive to divine ideas and bring them into manifestation. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Sunday 11/04/2018 Transform relationships by relating soul to soul. Without words, simply acknowledge the presence of God within everyone. Watch what happens. Ellen Grace O'Brian