Daily Inspiration Archive
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Monday 06/25/2018 Life is eternal. It goes on with or without our recognition or cooperation. A human being can recognize this gift and consciously embrace it. God can then be God in and through us. “In us” is given. “Through us” requires our cooperation. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Tuesday 06/26/2018 When we encounter difficulties is the best time to discover a new way—to grow, to be inspired, to let the divine light the way. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Wednesday 06/27/2018 When we reach a roadblock, it is not time to give up, it is time to “pray up.” Ellen Grace O'Brian
Thursday 06/28/2018 Self-discipline includes the courage to take a stand for what we know is right for us to have, or do, or be—then the commitment to follow through, to do what we need to do. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Friday 06/29/2018 Our joy hides in plain sight. It is always within us. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Saturday 06/30/2018 Times of difficulty are not just something to get through, but they are something to grow through. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Sunday 07/01/2018 Keep your mind fastened to peace with the rope of the divine name—right action will follow. Ellen Grace O'Brian