Daily Inspiration Archive
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Sunday 12/23/2018 Spiritual practice is not something we do to become spiritual. It is how we live as the spiritual beings we are — expressing our divine potential through our thoughts, speech, and actions. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Monday 12/24/2018 Whatever it is we dream to do, the way we bring forth our divine potential is to begin. We take the first step and invite divine grace to meet us. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Tuesday 12/25/2018 Nothing contributes more to unfolding our divine potential than “stepping out of our little corner,” reaching out beyond our personal needs alone, and opening to abundance for uplifting others. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Wednesday 12/26/2018 If we want a healthy, loving, relationship, the first thing we do is free ourselves of the need for love. Instead, we draw upon our inner fullness to be loving — to be a match for love. Ultimately, we will realize we are already divine Love itself. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Thursday 12/27/2018 We have an inner doorway into the infinite soul-mine of precious, prospering gems of radiant aliveness, wisdom, and fulfillment. All we need do is enter. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Friday 12/28/2018 The harder we try to find a solution, the more one escapes us. We need to return to the Self. When we do, a solution will emerge. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Saturday 12/29/2018 To be a divine instrument uplifting others with joy is one of the simplest, most accessible, and profound ways to live prosperously. Ellen Grace O'Brian