Daily Inspiration Archive
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Friday 06/28/2019 There are two kinds of thoughts—those that shore up the sense of separate self, and those that return awareness to the unity of the true Self. The first kind ultimately brings suffering, the second, joy. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Saturday 06/29/2019 Inwardly chanting the divine name carries the mind to the shore of the ocean of God consciousness. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Sunday 06/30/2019 The divine name transforms the mind. Negative moods flee from its power. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Monday 07/01/2019 Turning our attention to God turns our life around. Make this turn by pausing to reflect. Be curious and teachable. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Tuesday 07/02/2019 Divine grace abounds; we need only open our mind to see it. Assume grace is already at work, then note the many ways you are supported by others, by circumstances, and by nature. Before long, the experience of being in the flow of grace arises. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Wednesday 07/03/2019 When we let go of clinging to how we think things should be, we open ourselves to greater possibilities for good. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Thursday 07/04/2019 The soul is permeated with joy. Seek contact with the soul to know lasting happiness. Everything else is temporary. Ellen Grace O'Brian