Daily Inspiration Archive
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Friday 11/15/2019 When we live in harmony with truth, peace prevails in mind and body. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Saturday 11/16/2019 Becoming a disciple is not something we do in a moment. We may, in a grace-filled moment, say “yes” to dedicating our life to spiritual awakening, but it is living the disciplined life every day, and demonstrating the willingness to learn, that makes one a disciple. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Sunday 11/17/2019 Reason and will must be guided by the soul’s light. Otherwise, they may work together to justify that whatever the ego imagines will bring happiness. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Monday 11/18/2019 Everything is God supporting you. Be open to it and you will see. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Tuesday 11/19/2019 Letting go of self-will instantly enhances well-being. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Wednesday 11/20/2019 The world is an ever-changing appearance. Sit still long enough and you will experience the unchanging Reality that always remains. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Thursday 11/21/2019 Let your life be a compass pointing to God. Ellen Grace O'Brian