Daily Inspiration Archive
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Monday 09/02/2019 Finding God is the most practical thing we can do. Once we realize that we are never apart from God’s omnipresence, we know divine guidance is at hand. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Tuesday 09/03/2019 Notice the way attention moves from thought to thought and sometimes, in-between thoughts, comes to rest in the heart. Look there. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Wednesday 09/04/2019 Make a receptacle in your consciousness for divine guidance through prayer and meditation. It doesn’t always come at that time, but reliably, it comes. Where there is an opening to receive, it comes. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Thursday 09/05/2019 Success with prayer or meditation isn’t about how skillful we are. It is about how sincere we are. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Friday 09/06/2019 Early in the morning, first thing, welcome the light. That time in prayer and meditation illumines the day ahead. The light of spiritual awareness will break through mundane clouds of ordinary consciousness throughout the day. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Saturday 09/07/2019 Leave the results of your meditation up to God. Simply show up and offer your heart. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Sunday 09/08/2019 We powerfully attract to us whatever we are holding in our mind and consciousness. The universe will affirm it for us and show it to us. Ellen Grace O'Brian