Daily Inspiration Archive
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Sunday 03/03/2019 Seek solitude daily upon the mountaintop of prayer and meditation. The wisdom that shines through inner peace then pervades action. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Monday 03/04/2019 No thought, intention, perception, or action can be hidden from God. God is omnipresent consciousness Itself. Those who realize this offer all that they do as worship and serve God alone. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Tuesday 03/05/2019 Some think of meditation as going inside and becoming self-absorbed. Yet in the paradoxical logic of the spiritual life, meditation is really going outside—going outside the boundaries of body/mind identification, beyond the ego self. Outside the confines of ego is an infinitely vast world of divine possibility. Go outside! Ellen Grace O'Brian
Wednesday 03/06/2019 We experience the desire for Self-realization through the power of God’s grace. If you have the desire for spiritual awakening, you already have support—count on it, and move confidently in the direction of your dreams. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Thursday 03/07/2019 Moderation is the key to sustained inner peace and happiness. Those who seek excitement inevitably court depression. Like night follows day, emotional highs have another side. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Friday 03/08/2019 Heaven waits in every heart. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Saturday 03/09/2019 You are divine, a bright soul expressing in this world. Spiritual practice is the effort we make to align our thoughts, speech, and action with our true identity. Ellen Grace O'Brian