Daily Inspiration Archive
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Saturday 01/04/2020 Support is inherent in the spiritual foundation of our lives. When we recognize that support and the mind is freed from worry and self-concern, our inner joy blossoms. Delight in the play of the divine Beloved then becomes possible. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Sunday 01/05/2020 A holy life is not just for saints or sages. It is for everyone who profoundly yearns to know the truth, who searches for a life of meaning and the highest happiness, and refuses to settle for less. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Monday 01/06/2020 On the awakening journey, it is necessary to train our mind to look beyond the surface of things. We must heal our heart; realize that we are not our ego, our ideas, emotions, or memories. We are not confined to the body or circumstances we were born into. We are spiritual beings. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Tuesday 01/07/2020 Discovering the sacred requires "fresh eyes"— seeing things as they are and not as we think, want, or assume them to be. The ability to transform our lives and our relationships is contained in something as simple as the way we perceive. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Wednesday 01/08/2020 We don’t have to concern ourselves with being holy or happy. We only need to look for the mental barriers we have constructed that cover our radiant heart. Release them—wholeness and happiness are naturally revealed. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Thursday 01/09/2020 Our greatest suffering often comes from believing the stories we tell ourselves about the way things are. Our thoughts and the stories they weave are a product of the mind. They give us only a partial view of life, not the bigger picture. Step out of the story and see. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Friday 01/10/2020 The experience of divine grace is a glimpse behind the veil of separation—a vision of wholeness that frees us from fear. It’s a taste of God that we never forget. Ellen Grace O'Brian