Daily Inspiration Archive
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Tuesday 02/09/2021 Our particular work already exists in the divine plan. When we bring forth the potential to match it, we cannot miss it. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Wednesday 02/10/2021 Our dharma is not a job or a vocation. It is fulfilling our spiritual potential by living up to our divine identity. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Thursday 02/11/2021 When we serve Life, our work continually changes, and we are transformed by it. It may be that we stay with the same line of work, the same group or organization, but we, and the work we do, keep growing. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Friday 02/12/2021 To work with joy, affirm: God in me knows what to do, how to do it, and when to do it. I am one with God; I know this now. I am free from all uncertainty, for God delivers every inspired idea to me exactly when I need it. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Saturday 02/13/2021 We cannot ask too much of God. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Sunday 02/14/2021 Divine potential has nothing to do with the past. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Monday 02/15/2021 God is realized in the world. “Few mortals realize the kingdom of God extends fully to the earth plane.” Ellen Grace O'Brian