Daily Inspiration Archive
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Wednesday 10/20/2021 Dismantle worry or despair through divine remembrance. Stay in touch with your spiritual purpose. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Thursday 10/21/2021 When we commune with God in the silence of our soul, we directly experience the unbounded, unlimited Divine Reality. God cannot be seen but can be known as the true Self, the indweller of every heart. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Friday 10/22/2021 The most effective way to rely on our inner resources during times of change is to cultivate our ability to be still and attend to the divine presence within. The spiritual inspiration and nourishment we receive in the temple of silence strengthen us, help us stay balanced, and connected to our higher purpose. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Saturday 10/23/2021 As the ground of being Itself, God does not have wisdom; God is wisdom. God does not have love—this implies a degree or portion. God is whole. God is love. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Sunday 10/24/2021 Because God's goodness is limitless, it is greater than we can mentally comprehend. We may not immediately see the good, but trusting in this unlimited good allows us to keep our hearts open and our hopes high. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Monday 10/25/2021 Accepting our responsibility as agents of our life experiences empowers us to make positive changes. We hold the key to our empowerment. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Tuesday 10/26/2021 Spiritually conscious living involves turning away from appearances to rely on what is true, turning away from limiting beliefs and turning toward freedom, turning away from fear, and turning toward love. It takes boldness to turn and embrace our divine identity, but when we do, a new life begins. Ellen Grace O'Brian