Daily Inspiration Archive
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Sunday 10/22/2017 Ask a new question at the end of the day: How did I contribute to love today? Not what did I accomplish, or what mistakes did I make, or what should I have done or shouldn’t I have done, but how did I love today? Ellen Grace O'Brian
Monday 10/23/2017 Don’t be satisfied with the gifts, but look to the Giver of all gifts. There is an experience beyond all phenomena, a spiritual realization that is unchanging. That is our unfailing support. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Tuesday 10/24/2017 Knowing that what we think, what we intend, and what we believe is the basis for our experience, wise people change their lives by changing their consciousness. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Wednesday 10/25/2017 Everything in our life—all our experiences, our so-called successes and failures—have brought us to this moment of divine potential. This moment awaits our acknowledgement as The Moment we will turn to God to direct our life. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Thursday 10/26/2017 If we are receptive to the invitation to begin our spiritual journey in earnest we can say, “I am no longer willing to live at odds with my soul. I surrender to the Power for Good to direct my steps on the path. Now I am turning to God.” Ellen Grace O'Brian
Friday 10/27/2017 To pray effectively, let go of any belief in the power of a problem and instead put your attention on the One Power that is the source of all healing. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Saturday 10/28/2017 When we pray, the mind begins to seek Truth. Problems fall away when we enter divine communion. Resting in Truth, beyond mental struggle, the sense of separate self drops away and prayer is answered. Ellen Grace O'Brian