Event Information
SUNDAY SATSANG - Fellowship & Hospitality Location: Community Room

Fellowship & Hospitality
December 10, 2017 /
11:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Start your day with meditation and inspiration.
Prepare to meet the week ahead with wisdom and compassion.
Get ready to live your divine life now.

Spend all, or part of, your Sunday with Yogacharya who will teach the supreme science of Brahmavidya—the universal way of awakening to Self- and God-realization—the most essential, and relevant, teaching for spiritually conscious living today.

Everyone is welcome. Donations accepted.

10:00 AM            
Morning Program: Meditation and Inspiration

11:30 AM         
Fellowship & Hospitality

12:30 PM       
Afternoon Program: Lunch, Spiritual Teachings & Practice, Q&A (Registration required)