Event Information
Get Centered: Awake, Aware, Abundant Living Location: Temple of Eternal Way

Get Centered: Awake, Aware, Abundant Living
with Yogacharya O'Brian

4 Tuesdays: March 20 – April 10, 7–9 pm
Course Tuition: $60 onsite / $80 online

First establish awareness in being. Get centered. The ten thousand details of life, the circumference of doing, will fall into its right place.  –Yogacharya O’Brian

When we decide to attend to our soul life—to honor what has heart and meaning for us—we need a strategy. In this new course with Yogacharya, discover how to get centered, stay anchored in soul awareness, and live your radiant, divine life every day. Engage in it. Commit to it.
Your “Get Centered Strategy” will include daily superconscious meditation, the ancient art of mantra and mudra to energize your practice, establishing healthy living habits, contemplation of higher states of consciousness, and clarifying your life purpose.

To view online class go to https://www.csecenter.org/Events/ClassesAndEvents/Online (you must be logged in).