Daily Inspiration Archive
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Friday 11/01/2019 Live in the world with unconditional happiness by quieting the restless mind through prayer and meditation. Refuse to be tossed about by waves of worry, or the roller coaster of excitement and disappointment. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Saturday 11/02/2019 Take a conscious breath, and let your mind sink into your heart. Be present to your divine Self. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Sunday 11/03/2019 When a home is a place of peace—of caring, love, awareness, and appreciation for life—we can feel it when we walk through the door. Make your home a sanctuary of divine peace today. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Monday 11/04/2019 Dedicate your home as a place of blessing. With the intention to bless, we are more likely to act in accordance with our divine nature—to be generous, patient, and kind. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Tuesday 11/05/2019 Prayer infuses our home environment like a sweet fragrance. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Wednesday 11/06/2019 Look for those times when a moment of prayer, or mindfulness, could bring more spiritual awareness to your day – times such as entering and leaving your home, beginning work, answering the phone, or eating a meal. It only takes a moment to invite the light. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Thursday 11/07/2019 Put God first. When spiritual realization or love for God is the primary motive for our actions, it is easy to do. Ellen Grace O'Brian