Daily Inspiration Archive
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Saturday 03/21/2020 Awareness of God must come into the realm of our conscious experience. Otherwise, the power and presence of God do not matter much to us. It is all around us, but we are not accessing it. When we consciously abide in it, we develop a spiritual consciousness that attracts what is needed. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Sunday 03/22/2020 Anyone who sincerely desires to experience a direct relationship with the Infinite can do it by simply realizing what is already so. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Monday 03/23/2020 Changing our thoughts is useful, but changing our consciousness is transforming. This transformation comes through the experience of divine communion, experiencing our essential nature beyond words and thoughts. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Tuesday 03/24/2020 Never minimize the steps you take toward God-realization. Instead, maximize them, magnify them, and nurture them. Help them grow and repeat. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Wednesday 03/25/2020 We can free ourselves from the tyranny of circumstances by remembering that the Infinite Invisible, the power of God, is already at work in our lives to meet that challenge. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Thursday 03/26/2020 Prayer is an activity of consciousness, rather than something we do. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Friday 03/27/2020 Freedom is not only freedom from something; it is freedom to bring in the new, which has not yet been allowed. Ellen Grace O'Brian