Daily Inspiration Archive
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Thursday 11/19/2020 God’s light is not separate from us. Divine light shines through us and is the hope for our times, lives, and world. We have only just begun to imagine what is possible in an awakened world. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Friday 11/20/2020 Maintain an inner, meditative awareness, even during activity. You will discover a centralizing principle within you that will rightly guide all your activities. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Saturday 11/21/2020 The world is an auspicious place for spiritual realization. No matter what your current circumstances, consider that there is no other time or place that would be better support for enlightenment. Take advantage of this time and this place. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Sunday 11/22/2020 Rely solely on the One who is your life. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Monday 11/23/2020 Divine guidance is always just behind our thoughts and actions. It is the still small voice of conscience or intuition that arises within us. It is constant—sometimes hardly noticeable, other times emerging again and again until it is heard. But will we heed it? Ellen Grace O'Brian
Tuesday 11/24/2020 Self-discipline isn’t self-control; it is self-surrender. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Wednesday 11/25/2020 Joy comes from divine love, like fragrance from a rose. Ellen Grace O'Brian