Daily Inspiration Archive
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Friday 04/30/2021 To return to the One, realize there is no journey to embark upon and no traveler to set out on the way. Arrive now by letting go of the concept of duality; that is all. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Saturday 05/01/2021 Throughout time, people have achieved mastery in all walks of life and risen above obstacles to greatness. What is the common factor? A single-minded devotion to the goal. The way of God-realization is the same. The same potential exists in all; the same grace is present, and the same necessity for dedication. Press on. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Sunday 05/02/2021 The bird that neglects to visit the flower misses the nectar. Devotion to God softens the heart and brings sweetness to meditation. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Monday 05/03/2021 The desire to live an ethical life is a necessary preparation for liberation. If one does not see the suffering that results from unconscious living, there is no motivation for finding freedom. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Tuesday 05/04/2021 When a potter forms clay into a vessel, open space is seen as space inside and outside. Yet, space itself remains unchanged. Break the pot, and the limiting factors disappear. Our true nature as spiritual beings is limitless, pure possibility. Remember that and refuse to be fooled by limiting conditions. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Wednesday 05/05/2021 Some see only the pain and not the blessings in life, others look for blessings and find them here and there, and some will offer blessings to all. If you would like to be blessed, be the source of it for someone else. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Thursday 05/06/2021 Each day, we plant the seeds of our future happiness. What is experienced now is due to past causes. Be a wise spiritual farmer. Prepare the ground of mind and consciousness with truth-bearing seeds. Ellen Grace O'Brian