Daily Inspiration Archive
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Sunday 10/08/2017 Nothing binds us to the past except our own thoughts and beliefs. Cast off any burdens of the past and live in freedom now. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Monday 10/09/2017 Our direction in life is set by our power to choose. Let wisdom guide your will. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Tuesday 10/10/2017 Before awakening, we look for joy in the future—a result of something we attain. With an awakened heart, we recognize the joy of communion with the One as both the means and the end. This brings continual joy. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Wednesday 10/11/2017 Our purpose in life is not something we do; it is realizing what we are. We are here to realize that we are each expressions of the one Life of God—made in the divine image and likeness. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Thursday 10/12/2017 Our particular work already exists in the divine plan. When we bring forth the potential to match it, we cannot miss it. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Friday 10/13/2017 Our right work is not a job; it’s realizing our spiritual potential. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Saturday 10/14/2017 When we serve Life, our work continually changes and we are transformed by it. It may be that we stay with the same line of work, the same group or organization, but we, and the work we do, must keep growing. Ellen Grace O'Brian