Daily Inspiration Archive
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Thursday 02/09/2017 Two things must be released to prosper through prayer: the erroneous belief in two powers—the idea that anyone or anything has power other than God—and clinging to personal desire. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Friday 02/10/2017 We may not realize the allness of God’s presence or support, or know how to experience it. That challenge is due to our degree of receptivity; it is not a problem with divine provision. Instead of asking for better provision, let us ask for better vision. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Saturday 02/11/2017 Whatever we establish in consciousness is ours and cannot be taken from us. If we believe it but have not yet “seen” it, it will find its way to us. If it has been temporarily lost to us, it will return. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Sunday 02/12/2017 When we experience a challenge or lack we tend to ask: Where is God? A more useful question is: Where am I? Ellen Grace O'Brian
Monday 02/13/2017 The purified and luminous mind reflects the soul’s joy. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Tuesday 02/14/2017 In order to be effective, prayer must move from talking to God to listening to God, being receptive to divine inspiration. Ellen Grace O'Brian
Wednesday 02/15/2017 If anything disturbs your peace, practice having faith that divine grace is already actively at work restoring wholeness and well-being. Then make any necessary adjustments in harmony with that insight. Ellen Grace O'Brian